LegendDE | Copyright2018
Laufende Aktivitäten
Texte d'action (de)
Sie mit
Rwanda / Partners
Prevention and case-management of age-disability-gender-based violence through an approach to mental health
- The mental health division of the Ministry of Health
- 5 local organisations
Promoting the civic, social and economic inclusion of vulnerable people
- Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
- StriveFoundation Rwanda
Ubuntu Care: protection of children with disabilities from sexual violence (Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya)
- Association pour l’encadrement sûr des enfants orphelins et autres enfants vulnérables de Kivumu (APESEK)
- KOMERA Centre
- Ministry of Gender and Women Promotion / National Council for Children
Promoting an inclusive socio-educational approach to meet the specific needs of disabled students
- Kigali institute of education
- Rwanda Education Board
- Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
- ADRA Rwanda
- L’association Jya Mubandi Mwana de GASABO
- La congrégation des Sœurs Bernardines / CEFAPEK à Kamonyi
- Le Collectif TUBAKUNDE, le diocèse de Nyundo / Centre Komera à Rutsiro
- Ubwme Community Center de Rubavu
- Le district de MUHANGA
- Autorités locales de Gasabo, Kamony, Muhanga, Rutsiso, Rusizi, Rubavu and Karongi
Promoting access to care for epileptic patients and their community inclusion in in the Western Province of Rwanda
- Ministry of Health
- Rwanda Epilepsy League (REL)
Building the capacities of disabled people’s organisations to promote the civil, social and economic involvement of their members
Implementing basic occupational therapy training in Rwanda
- College of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Ministry of Health
Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities through an inclusive and community-based rehabilitation
- Gahini centre
- Action for Inclusive Education Development in Rwanda (AIEDR)
- General Disabled People’s Organisation of Rwanda (AGHR)